How to make a special bullet:
I am Digital_Elf, King of the Elven World. King of the who?
The code:
<FONT COLOR="red">•</FONT> I am Digital_Elf, King of the Elven World.<BR> <FONT COLOR="yellow">•</FONT> King of the who?
How to make a graphic (image) bullet:
- Tricky
- Massive Attack
- Portishead
- Morcheeba
You will need the smallbullet.gif loaded in your site.
The code:
<UL STYLE="list-style-image:url(smallbullet.gif)">
<LI>Massive Attack</LI>
How to make a vertical line:
| I was dressed for success, but success it never comes. And you're the only one who laughs at my jokes when they are so bad. And my jokes are always bad. |
The code:
<TABLE WIDTH="300" CELLPADDING=0 align=left> <TR> <TD WIDTH=1 BGCOLOR="#00ff00"><SPACER TYPE="block" WIDTH=1></TD> <TD>I was dressed for success, but success it never comes. And you're the only one who laughs at my jokes when they are so bad. And my jokes are always bad.</TD> </TR> </TABLE>
How to make a 3D border for your image:
The code:
<center> <TABLE border="5" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="Lime" bordercolordark="Green" bordercolorlight="#0080FF" cellspacing="0"> <TR><TD align=center> <A href=""> <IMG src="" border=0 alt="BE an ELF!" width=468 height=60> </a> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </center>
How to specify the last update of your page:
The code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--//hide script from old browsers document.write( "This page was last updated "+ document.lastModified); //end hiding contents --> </SCRIPT>
How to remove the underline of the link:
Visit the Digital_Elf's Elven World to experience the world's best elven realm.
To remove underlining from ALL THE LINKS on your page, include the following code in the <HEAD> of your document:
<HEAD> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- A:link {text-decoration: none} A:visited {text-decoration: none} A:active {text-decoration: none} A:hover {text-decoration: underline} --> </STYLE> </HEAD>
To remove the underlining from A SINGLE LINK, the code is similar, but applied directly to the <A> tag.
<A HREF="" TARGET="F1" STYLE="text-decoration: none">Digital_Elf's Elven World</A>
How to make the directory:
Up to higher level directory, click here!
The code:
<A HREF="../">Up to higher level directory, click here!</A>