Address: 2A Istru Alley, bl. A14D, sc. 5, et. 4, ap. 74, distr. 6, Bucharest
Phone no: 778.7213, 0721.954.062
Nationality: Romanian
Date of birth: 13.02.1973
Marital status: married
Summary of qualifications Professional activity Educational background
Computer skills:
- Microsoft Certifications: MCP Windows 2000 Server, MCP Windows 2000 Professional.
- Operating systems: Solid knowledge of Windows, networking (LAN), TCP/IP, Internet, e-mail: 3-6 years experience.
- Text processing: Very solid knowledge of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint: 6 years experience.
- Web design: HTML, JavaScript, CSS: 6 years experience; PHP, MySQL: 1 year experience.
References: www.foreverliving.ro, www.servus.ro, www.siguranta-alimentara.ro, www.digitalelf.as.ro, www.digitalelf.home.ro, www.digitalelf.bumerang.ro and soon the new version of www.provus.ro, for the moment in beta version at www.swap.ro/provus/.
- Web & advertising graphics: CorelDRAW!, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe ImageReady, Adobe Illustrator, PageMaker, QuarkXPress: 2-6 years experience.
- Programming: VisualBasic, TurboPascal, qBasic: 2 years experience.
Foreign language:
- English: written/spoken: very well.
Skills and abilities:
- Loyal to recipient institutions, confident, competent team player, fine sense of humor.
- Innovator, dynamic, creative, original.
- High learning capacity and learning will.
- Effective, adapting quickly, work under pressure.
- Have developed organizational skills.
Driving license:
- B cathegory - 7 years experience.
- Car owner.
- Travels, cinema, athletics.
Summary of qualifications Professional activity Educational background
2000 feb - 2003 june:
SC Forever Living Products România SRL, the world leader of Aloe vera based health and beauty products.
IT Assistant, IT dept. (network & systems administration), marketing and PR; adv. graphics; web design; events staff.
- Carried out main issues regarding LAN and systems maintenance.
- Implemented web and e-mail foreverliving.ro domain. Configured Internet access through TV cable, Cisco router (NAT).
- Organized monthly events, protocol, reception.
- Issued and translated medical specific articles for the monthly magazine. Making promotional, advertising, customizing. Miscellaneous printings, brochures, folders, calendars, business cards.
1998 june - 2000 ian:
SC Echinox Marketing SRL, real estate agency.
Assistant manager, IT dept. (network & systems administration); adv. graphics; web design; events.
- Carried out main issues regarding LAN and systems maintenance and implementation.
- Maintenance and improve of the company’s data base.
- Implemented web and e-mail echinox.com domain.
- Organized events – showrooms, presentations.
- Issued specific articles and advertising for monthly magazines and daily newspapers.
1997 june - 1998 may:
SC Cagead Intermed SRL, real estate agency.
Assistant manager, IT & logistic dept.; adv. graphics.
- Secretary, advertising and offers management related to the specific data base.
1994 - 1997:
Students' Free Syndicate of Polytechnics.
Administrator for 4 copying & bureau solutions centers.
- Maintenance, production and profit related issues.
1993 - 1994:
Sylvi Press.
Printing assistant.
- Printing and book manufacturing.
Summary of qualifications Professional activity Educational background
Dec. 2002 - Microsoft Certification MCP Windows 2000 Server.
Sept. 2002 - Microsoft Certification MCP Windows 2000 Professional.
1997-2000 - Constructions University of Bucharest, Constructions University College, Roads and Bridges specialty.
1991-1994 - Architecture and Urbanism Post-High-school, Bucharest.
1988-1991 - “Gheorghe Lazar” High-school, Bucharest.